Kumite Kup

Kumite Cup

Results: Many, many fights broke out before the games. Kilik, Assassin, Talim, and Voldo received game misconducts, and were ejected. Nadia caused a delay of game with her vomiting. She was cleaned up, was doing well, and put back to bed after some bedtime stories.

After the fights and vomit, the Flyers (Josh) beat the Devils (Jonah) 6 to 5.
The Leafs (Jonah) beat the Chili Dogs (Nick) by a large margin.
The Bruins (Josh) beat Poland (Nick).
Jonah’s eyes hurt at this point.
The Bruins (Josh) beat the Wild (Nick).
Therefore the winner can only be Josh.
Josh wins the Kumite Cup in name since an adequate prize cup has not yet been found.

Jonah then proceeded to kill Nick and Josh in 3 rounds of Halo.

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