Virtual Kumite 3

kumite 2.5
(VK2.5 was renamed VK3 due to poor understanding of the decimal system.)
(no sloths were injured in the playing of this tournament)

December 1, 2001. I couldn’t wait, we had to have another Kumite. And this tournament would introduce for the first time Gaming Battle Couch Yamato, the largest blue couch ever constructed! This would be the perfect opportunity for Cruz to seek his revenge. This tournament was dubbed Virtual Kumite 2 1/2 : Battle on the Big Blue Couch – Vengeance is Served.

Soul Calibur for Dreamcast

Aaron, Brady, Cruz, Jonah, Josh, Nick, and Vince

The tournament took on a single game but with an epic new twist. Three rounds were fought. The first round depended on random character selections. The second round saw players choosing characters with no restrictions. Points were awarded to players that determined how the third round was played. The third round was named the Gauntlet. The Gauntlet required the highest-ranking player to defeat every other player until all were defeated or point accumulations pushed another player into first.

Epic and Grueling, the Gauntlet was the longest part of the tournament. Spectators cheered, chanted, and yelled. Some spectators begged for an end. Finally as Cruz met his last combatant, Josh faltered with fatigue, and Cruz became the Grand Master of Kumite 2 1/2!

Excel spreadsheet, with results, used for the tournament.


Josh, Brady, Jonah, Cruz, Vince

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