Halo 3 Champion – Josh
Halo 3 Survivor Champ – Aaron
Halo 3 Melee Champ – Nadia
Smash Bros. Champ – Liam
Soul Calibur Champ – Nick
The time to respawn is now!
Halo 3 Champion – Josh
Halo 3 Survivor Champ – Aaron
Halo 3 Melee Champ – Nadia
Smash Bros. Champ – Liam
Soul Calibur Champ – Nick
Here we go Virtual Kumite 26! Will there be shirts? Will there be Kirby? There definitely will be Master Chief!
There is a lot of time between now and then to come up with shenanigans, trophies, games. But one thing is for sure. I am sick of screen issues on Xbox One! Halo will be all Xbox 360s this year. So you have to deal with aging controller issues instead!
I already had my voice stealing sickness. I plan on talking this year!
Ever have a Kumite on a Thursday? NO?!?! Well now you do!
Thursday 11/16/2023 at 6pm.
Halo, Halo, Halo.
Themes of the night.
Handicap team matches.
VIP – Only Nick is the VIP.
The Kumite that just couldn’t pick a date!
The Halo Master Chief Collection has gone wild with its seasonal rewards.
Take a look and check out all the crazy armor you can unlock.
This year our PC version players are invited to bring their lappys and plug them in so they can play with their beloved keyboards and mice.
Join us in person or via Xbox Live and Discord.
Halo Reach custom games like Bumper Hogs, Bad Lead, and Avalanche will be going on for the online players.
Street Fighter, Soul Calibur, and other games available at the venue.
We will let you know the date and time.
October 11th, 7:30pm
In person or online.
The game is Super Street Fighter IV.
We shall have four Xboxes connected here and up to four players can connect over Xbox Live for a total of eight player slots.
The matches play as if you were in a real arcade. Two players fight, winner stays. Each win is tallied.
Think of Halo as basketball and Street Fighter as football.
You will be doing a lot of spectating between your own matches.
This is your time to root for your favorites or mock your adversaries.
All are welcome to come here to play in person and partake of pizza and cheesesteaks.I would prefer it to be a mask free event, but am open to discussion about it.
Use your own discretion, but if you decide not to play in person, I hope you join us via Xbox Live and Discord.
I want to thank all of Virtual Kumite Neo-Wars participants. The games have ended and the comet is now streaking out of our solar system. Unfortunately we did not complete the final unlock of the event. So the comet fish at Pet Supply Plus will have to remain nameless at this time. However, more programing has been added to the Plex sharing! Star Blazers 1974,1977 and 2199 have been added as well as some other titles. Be on the look out for your prize boxes to be delivered this week!
This event allows everyone to collectively pool their achievements. Have fun playing, but on 7/19 if the entire party got 300 melee kills, then they unlock level one of the Neo-Wars rewards.
Well, the final tally was 286! But there was still an hour before midnight, so I headed back into battle and scrounged the melees to bring us to 300.
With that we unlocked the naming of the comet. Neowise is not a name for a comet. So we reached out to NASA and they agreed to name the new comet in honor of this night’s participants. Comet Cruz Flor Johnston Martinko Weiss was recorded in the official records of NASA.
Level 1 also unlocked the release of the first two episodes of Star Blazers 2202 on the newly enabled, Virtual Kumite Network streaming service. Because you really should be cautious whenever a new comet appears in the sky
That’s right, Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise is now illuminating the skies. For millennia these heavenly objects have been interpreted as messengers of epic events. This comet is no different for it may be seen as an announcement of Virtual Kumite Neowars!
That’s right, starting Sunday 7/19 and for every Sunday thereafter until you get sick of it, enjoy the epic online battles of the Virtual Kumite! Play now or you will have to wait until the year 8820!
We leave the individual leaderboards behind in favor of a new season. Blue Team : Men VS Red Team : Women. This Friday Red team went up 1-0 vs Blue. Most of this video is a showcase of the devastation they wrought.
Congratulations to 1st place Faith, 2nd place Nadia, and 3rd place KK!
Next up…
Welcome to the week in review!
This week bonus points were awarded for incineration medals in Halo 3 and for Sticky grenade kill medals in Halo Reach. There was a liberal distribution of flame grenades and flamethrowers on Friday night’s Halo 3 event. Plasma grenades were also distributed frequently in Halo Reach.
I personally made it my goal to burn everyone and everything on Friday night. This allowed me to gain 45 tournament points, by far the largest point gain in a single event to date. With that in mind, I warned everyone that with Sunday’s Sticky grenade bonus, I would not be responsible if I was the only one trying to run up the score, which I did with an over 200 points. Now the standing look ridiculous! I will turn to voting for the next bonus point rewards. Come to the top of the standings hill, I dare you!
Halo 3 Carnage Reports and Gallery
Reach Carnage Reports
Here is the highlight video from the last week of April. Visit Club Solitude!